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The Photo Agency

Ordering images from our photo agency from abroad

When ordering images from our archives we retrieve the original photographs and digitize them so that we can offer high-resolution files or photo prints of as good quality as possible. Read more about our prices and terms below.


We send digital files and photo prints within 10 working days. Urgent orders can be made by appointment. At an extra cost of NOK 260 per image, a high-resolution file is transferred to you within 2 working days.

Our prices

High-resolution digital file for museums, volunteering organizations and personal use: 410 NOK.

High-resolution digital file for editorial use, exhibitions etc. 650 NOK.

Urgent delivery (within two working days): 260 NOK.

Photo prints (A4 paper size): 450 NOK.

Terms of service

All licenses are non-exclusive – the image rights remain the property of the museum.

Please credit both museum and photographer as follows in case of publishing the photo:

Photo: The photographer's name / Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

Our images are not model released for any other use than the original context. When publishing photographs, it should be done without danger of offending any persons depicted or damaging the photographer's reputation and always in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Photo users are responsible for complying with obligations such as privacy and the photographer's right to respectful reproduction.

When ordering photos

Please include your full name, invoice address and e-mail in your order.

Provide a brief information on how the image will be used. (Private use, publication or similar.) Please specify if you want TIF or JPG file.

If possible, order your images digitally by using the form on Digitaltmuseum.no (shopping cart icon below the picture) but feel free to contact us at: bildebyraa@norskfolkemuseum.no

Use of photographs that are in the Public Domain

Some of our photos are in the public domain and may be downloaded and used free of charge in the file size published on Digitaltmuseum.no

Crediting photographer and Norwegian Museum of Cultural History is nevertheless required. Information on proper byline can be found under the pictures on the website.

Should you need larger file size, see our prices and terms above


Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2