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Photo and film location

Photography and filming for private use is permitted in all our houses, exhibitions and environments if not announced otherwise; flash-photography included. For photography or filming to be published or used in a commercial context, permission has to be obtained in advance and will be charged according to our price list. The prices vary in relation to location and type of publication, see price list.

Some of our buildings and exhibitions are not released to be used as locations for commercial photo and film shoots, or to be published in any way. There are also limitations as to when it may take place. Our first priority is our visitors and during some parts of the year we try to avoid photo and film shoots on a large scale.

Norsk Folkemuseum has a wide selection of photos of most of our objects and buildings, and copies of these may be purchased through our Photo Agency.

Directives for photography and filming

Norsk Folkemuseum is committed to preserve its collections for future generations. Photography and filming may cause damage to objects and interiors, and such activities must therefore be executed with great care! Full compensation will be required in case of any damage done in the course of a photo or film shoot. Norsk Folkemuseum reserves the right to cancel a photo or film shoot immediately if any violation to our regulations or the contract take place. 

For all photos or films that are to be published or used commercially, permission has to be obtained well in advance. Norsk Folkemuseum will issue a written permit/contract that contains the specific details for each case. 

Invoice with agreed costs will be sent when photography/filming is finished. 

Contact at Norsk Folkemuseum: linnea.haegeland@norskfolkemuseum.no . Phone: +47 99 35 66 91. 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2