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Research Visits

Due to several large projects, we must decline inquiries about visits to the our storage until the end of 2024. We may consider making exceptions for research projects. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Guidelines for visiting our collections:

  • Visits must be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance.​ In periods with more traffic there may be a longer waiting time.
  • Make an inquiry where you tell us about the background and object of your visit. If you wish to take photos, copy the artifact or take patterns, this must be stated in your inquiry.
  • There is a limitation of withdrawing 5 artifacts per visit, but for special occasions you can ask for more artifacts.
  • A list with inventory numbers for the prioritized artifacts must be sent with the application. To find the numbers, you can search here. Artifacts may be unavailable for withdrawals due to exhibitions, external loans or conservation.
  • If you wish photos of artifacts for official use, contact The Photo Agency.

Contact for research visits:

Phone: 22 12 37 00/40 02 35 53
Email: magasin@norskfolkemuseum.no

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2